Cabin Will Be Available To Rent in Spring!

We are thrilled to inform our many donors and supporters that the Korohusk Public Use Cabin should be available to rent by this coming spring!

Our dream of a public use cabin up Eagle River Valley in memory of Erin Johnson is now a reality! Although the cabin isn’t quite finished, the main structure is up and it is enclosed for winter. The heavy fall snow slowed things down a bit, so the final bits and pieces of finishing the cabin, including putting in the oil stove are yet to be completed. We are very excited and feel extremely grateful for the overwhelming number of people who donated to the cause and to all of the pieces that had to be put into place to make the cabin project a reality.

 First and foremost, we are grateful to so many donors who have generously provided the funding to be able to build the cabin in the first place!

We also realize that Matt Vogel and Jason Arnold of RIM Architects have also been an integral part of the success of this effort. Their incredible donation of enormous amounts of time and resources, genuine care, professional skills, and commitment to follow the project through the design, development, and building stages is humbling.  We realize that this cabin project could not have happened without their incredible help.

We are also grateful to the Eagle River Nature Center staff and Board who have supported this project from the beginning.  They have embraced this project with open arms and have helped us raise money and negotiate all of the steps needed to ensure successful completion. Alaska State Parks Superintendent, Ben Corwin, and the Chugach State Park Advisory Board have also given us their blessing and were needed for this cabin project to even begin.

Local businesses have also stepped in to help providing discounts so that this remote work could be possible for Kuchar Construction to keep the project within the contracted budget.

The cabin is a real gem, just three miles from the Eagle River Nature Center along Eagle River.  It is hoped that this special place will provide an opportunity for many people who love nature to experience a genuinely unique place with a comfortable shelter, year round. It is also a special place we can go to find solace and remember and treasure memories of Erin.

Below are some photos of the cabin at this stage.  We are grateful to all of the supporters of the cabin and we hope that each and every one of you is able to spend some time at the cabin enjoying the beauty of this special place.

Due to our concerns about the cabin costs, grants from Erin’s fund were reduced.  We did donate funds to the following nonprofits and hope to begin granting more in future years, now that the cabin project is near completion: Alaska Trails, Onward & Upward, Skiku, Trailside Discovery Camp, The Conservation Fund, and Inspiring Girls Expeditions.

We appreciate every one of you who has generously supported the cabin project and Erin’s fund. We are eternally grateful for your continued support for the Erin K. Johnson Memorial Fund and help to keep Erin’s spirit alive.